her head has gone to the land of books

Friday, November 11, 2011

Fallen star

For eighteen year old Gemma , life has never been normal.Up until recently, she has been incapable of feeling emotion . And when Alex , a gorgeous new stuednt enters the picture things olny get werider
.when hes around she feels electictiy, not like just fellings of " oh hes hot "but the electricty that makes her skin buzz.not to mention that she has very realistic dreams of her death with monsters and all but then they come to life .
with alex seeming to hate her and sercrets poping up everywhere  Gemma's life turns ito a chaotic mess,things that shouldnt be real sudenly exsit
.  as her life falls apart finding out sercrets of the past turns ito a life or death matter.

the fallen star by : jessica sorensen ,kristin campbell

the fallen star series
book 2 the underworld
book three vison

i rate this book a 9 and recomend the series to fantsy book lovers very good series

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